Monday, July 27, 2015

So far, 60 sucks!

I get up early stumbling to the bathroom and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.  I recognize the me behind the eyes but not the face that I see.  Where did the time go?  When did I get old?

Turning 60 has hit me hard!  I remember my 40th birthday bothered me a little; my 50th not so much.  But 60 has been brutal!  Maybe it's because of the hormonal changes that happen. Someone once said to me that menopause makes you old really quickly.  I didn't agree but what did I know at the time.

I suddenly feel completely and totally out of my element.  As a kid, I was unsure of how to dress, what to wear, what was fashionable, what looked good on me.  I had no idea what to do with my hair or how to apply make up.  But I eventually outgrew those things and became comfortable in my appearance, fashion choice, hairstyle.  My weight was pretty constant and I even spent time in my 30s in tights, leotards, leg warmers and sweatbands doing "dance aerobics", "sweating to the oldies", Gloria Stevens workout classes and Jane Fonda tapes.  I felt good, healthy and fit. In my 40s and early 50s, my workouts slid away to nothing.  My annual physicals were great.... well, until my late 50s when my annuals started showing how genetics was playing it's part in my overall health.  So I've gone back to working out with free workout programs from HASfit and Beauty&theFit..  I'm also back to being careful of what I eat and using portion control.  But....... I still feel completely and totally out of my element in this phase of my life.

I always thought I would grow old gracefully.  But I'm not.  I'm kicking and screaming and trying to turn the clock back and c'mon, let's face it, that's just impossible.  So what do I do?  Okay, I'll keep working out but I suddenly don't know how to dress!  I don't know what to do with my hair!  I don't know how to feel comfortable in my own skin.  And sex!  OMG!  Don't even get me started.  I feel like I did when I was 20.  So sexually, I'm 20 in my head and 60 in my body.  It ain't pretty.

So what do I do?  How do I get myself back to feel comfortable again?  Is this just a morning rant - NO, folks, it's not.  When I hit the "enter" key and publish this post, I'm going to wash my face, try to do something with my hair and try to find something to wear that won't make me look like I'm trying to be 20 years younger or not dowdy and old.

In conclusion, so far, 60 really does suck!

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