Friday, August 15, 2014

Just "plarn" - ing around!

I had so much fun making these hats and bags for my store, Made Magical (check out for links to my Facebook page and stores).  They're are made of 100% recycled material called plarn.  Plarn is short for plastic yarn. It's made from plastic grocery bags.  So it's just another way of keeping those pesky plastic grocery bags from landfills.

So I asked friends and family for their grocery bags and made my plarn.  Then, I sat down with my crochet hook and decided to make hats and bags.  I "winged" the first couple of hats and bags then decided to try writing my own pattern.  Thought they came out really cute.  I used a single crochet stitch to get a kind of straw hat/bag look.

I'll be making more and posting them to my Storenvy and Etsy shops.  They won't be available on eBay.  But get this - I've got them in my shop for only $5.00!

On to other things.... I've got piriformis syndrome a.g.a.i.n!  Let me tell you, this time it is so incredibly painful.  I know how I triggered it too - cardio!  I hate cardio!  I love my workouts - strength training with weights is my favorite but I also know that cardio is important too.  But this time, I was in a hurry to get my workout in so I could finish the hats and get them posted.  I didn't properly warm up and my mind really wasn't in it.  My bad.  So I'm suffering now.  Heat, ibuprofen and stretching - that's all I've been doing in between everything else.  You know, the mundane daily grind stuff.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to feel better and will try some weight, strength and stretching.  Hopefully that will help then I think going to some local yard sales, drying herbs and canning tomatoes.  Let's see what tomorrow brings.


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