Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ahhh.... A Return to Normalcy

I cannot believe how long it's been since I blogged!  Things have been really crazy lately.  First, the move from the smaller house to the larger house was trying to say the least.  The amount of "stuff" a person can accumulate in 20+ years is remarkable. I found crazy pieces of paper with stuff written on it or scribbles or doodles that for some unknown reason, I felt the need to save.  So I sorted through all the stuff:  Trash - Shred - Donate - Keep - Yard Sale.  I tried to be as organized as possible with Trash going immediately out the door and Keep being put away immediately.  I called a local donation agency to pick up the Donations and the Shred stuff will be dropped off at the next local shredding event.  It felt good after sorting through everything but I found it harder than expected to purge myself of some things and to be quite honest, I haven't completely been able to do it.  Some of it is still sitting there waiting for me to have the courage.  What kind of things, you ask?  Anything that belonged to my mother or that has her name on it.  If I do anything other than keeping it, I feel like I am discarding her.  I'm not and I know that.  However, the emotional side says differently.  So I've been dealing with what I can for as long as I can then I stop.  I've still got clothing of hers that will never - ever - fit me.  Yet I can't let go.

We are in the larger house now and it really does look amazing!  All the floors are redone and our furniture looks fantastic in this house.  Because the walls are logs, it was just a matter of washing them down.  I did get some new rugs and reworked some curtains to fit these windows.

Anyway, it's on to finishing the clean up of the old house and renting it out.  Not looking forward to that but...  Also, I've got to really focus on ramping up my inventory for a Christmas Bazaar in a month.  So I'm off!  Hope it's not more than a month to my next blog.  Enjoy!  Peace!

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