Sunday, April 13, 2014

Needling to Plant Seedlings

Just seeing the very beginnings of my seed sprouts is so exciting. It means Spring and vegetable garden planting... fresh tomatoes - squash - peppers - herbs!  I've got heat mats and some grow lights helping with the process.  Worked awesome for the squash, pumpkin, cuke plants and somewhat for the tomatoes, lettuce, spinach and escarole.  The peppers, as in past year, have been very stubborn to sprout.

Now, however, it seems like they've stalled!  Maybe it's me trying to rush the season.... me saying to myself, "I've only got a month & 1/2 before these babies are to be transplanted!"  or maybe it's because I really can't wait for those nice ripe tomatoes and  peppers - fresh salad - the drying basil and oregano smells filling the house.

So my plan til planting time:

  • warmth and light for the seedlings - considering moving the plants onto the deck behind protection to gain more of the warmth and sunlight.
  • light, light fertilizer on a weekly basis
  • transplanting the squash, pumpkin and cukes into larger pots
  • continuing to put them on heat mats through the night
And I welcome any other suggestions.  I'm thinking of having my husband build me a small greenhouse...

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