Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Leaping into 2015

Since I ended the year by sorting through and dumping excess baggage, I thought I'd start the new year with some thoughts and plans for the new year.

NO  I am not making resolutions

YES I am making plans

I used to make resolutions but realized pretty quickly that resolutions rarely work.  Just like I believe that if you want to make a change, there's no point in waiting until Monday, waiting until the beginning of some arbitrary period or waiting until the new year.  The best time to start is now.

My biggest plan for 2015, is to take my doll clothes business from occasional sales up to steady sales. That requires certain steps including education.  Creatively, I'm good.  But Marketing, is where I struggle. But I'm learning.  I've joined an online group that's monitored by a marketing professional. I can't believe the awesome exchange of ideas with people. Everyone is so ready and willing to share tips and tricks.  I'm loving this group so far and have found a way to increase my productivity while exercising my creativity.  On the marketing side, I'll be getting some books and reading some suggested blogs for making myself more visible through social media.  It's all so exciting.

I am continuing with my workout plan but I've really got to get back on track with healthier food choices.  I've slacked off a bit through the holidays and I don't like the way I feel.  It surprises me how easy it is to cave to temptation. So I'll be back at smaller meals, more protein, more whole grains, more fruits and veggies and lemon water!  Lots and lots of lemon water.  I actually love it.

There's an awful lot of illness going around.  My daughters and grandkids have been hit with sinus infections, bronchitis, colds, stomach viruses, etc.  There are some things happening that I'm really concerned about.  I'm hoping and praying that we find out just what exactly the problem is and can move forward with appropriate treatment.

One wonderful thing to start off daughter broke up with her loser boyfriend!  YAY!  We're all entitled to make mistakes but hers lasted way too long for my liking.  OMG!  This guy may not have been the bottom of the barrel but he was the kind who sinks to the bottom unless someone else grabs him and pulls him toward the top.  I guess he doesn't want to exert the effort to climb to the top on his own.  So glad he's gone! And, get this!  He tried to friend request me on Facebook.  LOL!

Speaking of FB - I'm really disappointed in some of my FB friends lately. I'm surprised at how intolerant people are of each other.  Who doesn't want to see this ones status or that ones status.  Then you get the ridiculous comments like, "This is MY facebook..."  "This is MY page..."  My opinion - it's supposed to be social media!  It's on the internet!  It's the world wide web! It isn't all about you!  It's very sad because I used to view FB as being able to stay in touch with friends and relatives both near and far.  I liked the sharing of pictures and thoughts and ideas.  Seems like the pictures of good times have all become selfies.  Seems like the sharing of thoughts and ideas resorts to intolerance of others, name calling and shaming.  It's very sad.  I'm not going to be a part of that stuff and will be focusing mostly on my business social media - Facebook & Twitter.  I will check my FB daily only because I'll be on my business site but I have no plans on getting involved in the bullshit.

So I'm off - quick workout then I'm making dinner:  Homemade Zuppa Toscana with salad and homemade Italian bread.  Ciao!

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