Monday, September 7, 2015

Goodbye August! Hello September!

I wish this summer would end!  I am not a hot, hazy, humid kinda person and my hair!  My hair hates it even more.  I was trying to grow it out again but my patience in growing it out has grown thin.  Why? Because it is so thick! And so curly! And the worst thing possible for thick, curly hair?  H.U.M.I.D.I.T.Y! So, I believe I'll be cutting it real soon :D

The only way to deal with the triple H, is in the house with ice water and lemon sitting in front of a fan or 2.  Not one to be idle, I have to be doing something so I sew or knit or crochet.  While I'm sewing and knitting and crocheting, I tend to mull over things - the past, the present, the people in my life, the people I don't want in my life.

My latest mullings have been about someone from the past.  The one thing I wish I could change is marrying my first husband! I was so stupid at 17 and didn't realize I was marrying the devil incarnate. Although it took 5 years for the divorce to be final, we didn't spend more than a year actually together.

He was the epitome of evil. I have never met another human being that was even remotely like him. If you looked up narcissist in the dictionary, you'd probably find his picture.  Why? Let's see, without going into details, he only had feelings for himself - no others.  He saw others in terms of what they could do for him - what would he need to do or say to manipulate them into doing what would make him happy for the moment.  He had no qualms about professing undying love - including for or to his child - that he didn't feel. Looking back the 17 year old me and things that happened during the time I was with this person, I realize things that the naive 17 year old didn't realize was happening. There was only one good thing that came of our very short relationship - my daughter.  Thankfully, I was able to keep him completely and totally away from her. I won't go into detail but there were good reasons for my actions and she has thrived because of them.  She's never had any desire to be in contact with him.  She has had a close relationship with one of her cousins because they share the same extreme dislike of this horrible man. Why has his existence come to the forefront now?  Because of some things that he has done since his brother's death earlier this year. I'm sure memories of him will drop out of my mind and hopefully, this short spewing will accomplish that so I can forget about him again.

So while I've been hiding from the heat (which seriously feels like hell!), mulling over the past, I've been doing some crocheting.  Crocheting is not my favorite thing to do but my granddaughters saw a Brazillian Bikini top pattern that they liked. You can get the pattern here! Now mind you, I've never followed a crochet pattern.  I tend to think that there's very little I can't do so I bought the pattern on line.  Do you know that although I've been crocheting since I was 5 or 6, I didn't know until this pattern that I use UK stitches and of course, this pattern is in US stitches. Didn't even know there was a difference.  So after trial and error, I made 2 tops using Lydia's Fashion 3 yarn and a 2.5mm hook.  They came out awesome!  So, of course, they girls each want 2 more in other colors!  I've started one in black and will be doing 3 more in natural white, cocoa and rose.  Yup, Christmas presents started!  Woot for me!
Check it out

I'll post pix after they're all done.  For now.... stay cool :D

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